Friday, June 24, 2011


Hey there,

I have taken an interest in this site. You can follow me on tumblr as well:

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Our Trip to Oregon

All the Love 
    Our family went on a trip to Oregon to visit Nathan's grandma, Dorothy. To start Gigi Connie drove us to the San Diego Airport. Tensions were high... apparently I don't have Annabella's birth certificate quite yet, and Nate was concerned for the smoothness of our travel. Alas! We made it on the plane problem free! However, while Sarah was full of excitement for the adventure of flight, Bella felt quite the opposite. I attempted to make it exciting by having her sit by the window, but that made things worse and the only place of refuge for the baby girl was in daddy's arms.
    Once arrived, the girls felt instantly at home. Bella ran through the house exploring every corner. Waiting for us was a freshly baked Banana Cream Pie that we guzzled down after dinner. I would post a picture, but I was too busy eating it to stop and take a photo.
    Grandma Dorothy's house is a classic. The jars labeled "Cookies", "Flour", "Sugar" and "Coffee" actually had those things in them. I believe that having cookies in a cookie jar made it more thrilling to eat for Sarah.
    Nathan and I had a blast playing bridge almost everyday. We got to play with Nida (Dorothy's friend and neighbor for about 50 years), and we got to play with Angie. Angie and Daniel came out to visit and watch the parade with us. We went to the park after the parade, and Sarah and Daniel screamed with joy as they got pushed on the tire swing. They certainly had a wonderful time together.

   Of course I can't leave out the sightseeing. Although the cherry tree farms were yet to see their spring blossoms, plenty of beauty surrounded us. Knowing I was anxious to see the waterfalls, we went out the day after our arrival. We also stopped for some frozen yogurt. Grandma tried to help Bella with her ice cream cone, but Bella protested (very loudly). Yet, to our surprise, she did not spill a drop of her cone! 
  The waterfalls were so powerful, yet peaceful. I was so happy to get such great shots. 



Monday, October 25, 2010


More pics to come but here are two...

Friday, May 7, 2010

Bella's First Year

I don't even know where to begin. I was so caught up in Bella's first year of life that I literally had no time, energy, or desire to keep up with it on here. Yet, there are two amazing scrap books all about it.

But I do want to reflect on Annabella's first year of life beca
use it was very special and fun!

<- Here she is out in service for the first time. She did sooo good! And after-wards we went to Panera Bread with our service partner Design. She took a little nap while out in service and no crazy dogs or trash trucks woke her up. Thank Goodness!!

She is so tiny and pretty!
(One of the most memorable things about that day was when sister Good was holding you and Tim Swanson ownt her about being married 3 times. LOL.)
When Bella was a tiny baby she loved stuffed animals. In fact, when she was about 2 or 3 months old she had this favorite t
eddy bear. We just called him teddy. It was funny because we would take different pictures of her with the bear and pretend that there was some deeper issue between the two. Like in this one Bella is supposed to be mad a teddy...

As she grew older she really loved lamby, princess frog, bunny, and when she turned a year old she learned what sound a dog makes so every time we said puppy she would go "woof woof!", so she also had this tiny gray and white puppy she would walk around with going "woof woof".

Friday, May 22, 2009

Bella's First Bath

Dear Diary,

We gave Bella her first bath, and it was adorable. She enjoyed it so much. She did not cry or anything and she fell fast asleep right after. That Johnsons Baby Bedtime Bath works like a charm.

Here she is all passed out!

New Family Member!

Dear Diary,

We have been so busy with the new baby I am just now able to give an update. Well, here it is:

Annabella Renee Wiley was born April 23, 2009 at 6:44pm. She weighed 6 pounds and 10 ounces and was 18 inches long. She looks so tiny and is so pretty (especially for a newborn). Everyone says she looks a lot like Sarah when she was a baby. Makes sense seeing how they are sisters! Daddy has got some strong genes!

Well, since we have taken her home we have enjoyed every single day with her so much. She is so amazing. She already tries to lift up her head, and she makes the funniest frowny face, which tends to follow a smile. Silly. I love her sooo much, and daddy and I just smother her with kisses!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Baby Shower

Dear Diary,

My mother threw such a wonderful baby shower for me. It was better than I ever expected. So many people came and I got the cutest clothes. I am really excited for Annabella to come. I am in my 9th month now!! Well... starting Monday. :)

The decorations were beautiful, the food was so yummy, my friends were able to make
it along with people I have known since I was a little girl. We played funny games like who could wrap the best diaper out of toilet paper, and bible/candy trivia. There was also a crossword puzzle, yet that seemed like a boring activity to me. I dunno... my friend Alisha seemed to enjoy it. Haha.

Sarah got so many presents, too. She had so much fun at the party playing and helping me open and present the presents to everyone. It was very adorable.

I am on maternity leave now, and man does it feel good.
My office manager was trying to stick it to me, but she does not realize how sly I am. They are going through a hard time getting all the bills paid, and Ms. Joan the Accountant is starting to feel the heat from the doctor on the financial situation of the office. She thought I was a simple minded, sensitive 21 year old who she could push around. It is my belief that she fully intended to "cut the cost" of keeping my position open and my benefits while I go on maternity leave. But I got her... as Nate would say, "PWNT!!" She was trying to get me to quit by harassing me about stupid stuff, and then the day before I went on maternity leave she tried to fire me, but decided she wanted me to come in on Monday, and she will decide then. Little did she know that I had been keeping detailed records of each event of harassment AND I had been in contact with employment lawyers. I sent over a letter from my Doctor putting me of Pregnancy Disability Leave right in time for me to NOT come in so she can "decided whether to fire me". AND if she tried to call me or if she fires me while I am on leave... Ohhh Boooy, that would be a huge mistake on her part, and in the end will put the office in a worse finical situation than before. Mrs. Heather Wiley does not get bullied. So, now Annabella and I are relaxing and getting a bunch of rest before her arrival. :D YAY!!
